06 April 2012

Gratitude... ?

Things that I'm forced to be grateful for...

The wheel chair at Costco. 

My pride has dipped to to a new low.  Since my back hurts, my tummy, and everything else it's hard to walk more than fifteen minutes at a time.  I had to have Kyle push me around the store.  But I have to admit, it was nice not shuffling or waddling, and silently enduring pain as I walk.
A blow-up air matress

For about four or five months now, I haven't been able to sleep in my bed.  For the first while, it had to be the couch.  Then even that was too difficult to sleep on.  The only place that is semi comfortable is the air matress.  I would love to sleep in a normal bed with my husband, but I am grateful that I'm not in too much pain while sleeping on 'air'. 

A Chiropractor

I've never liked them.  I hate popping, and if I'm completely honest I have a phobia of chiroprators.  But if I hadn't started going, I would have been completely immobile for about a month now.  OH and I hate that little table thing becaus you have to put your face in that thing! (see picture above).  Not being able to see what's going on around you, feelings of claustrophobia, and smearing your make-up isn't my cup of tea. 

So, yes I have been forced to be grateful for a few things that I really wish I didn't need to be grateful for.  If gratitude wasn't there, all there would be in it's place is bitterness.  So, I'm also grateful that I can still have a positive attitude and can see the blessings in my life. 

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